Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Electric Chair Joke + Bonus Alternative Version (page 41)

Three men are sentenced to death and brought to face their fate.
The executioner says to the first one, "You have a choice: you may die either by lethal injection or electric chair."
He chooses lethal injection. The injection is administered and he dies.
The second man is offered the same choice. He selects electric chair. The executioner pulls the switch, but nothing happens. He tries again. Again nothing happens.
"Well," the executioner says, "according to our laws, you made your choice and the punishment was administered, so we are done. You can go free." He goes free.
Then the executioner asks the third man the same question: lethal injection or electric chair.
"I think lethal injection," he says. "The electric chair is obviously broken."

ALTERNATIVE VERSION ALERT: In another version of this joke, it's a priest, a doctor and an engineer who are going under the guillotine. The guillotine malfunctions for priest and then also for the doctor. Because "God has spoken," both are set free. When it's the engineer's turn to place his head on the faulty guillotine, he looks up and says: "Oh, I see the problem!"

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